

Maou-sama Retry R E05 720p WEBRip x265-TFPDL

Maou-sama Retry R E05 720p WEBRip x265-TFPDL
The Demon Lord continues his adventure in this revamped series! After encountering the mysterious entity in the lowest level of the Bastille Dungeon, he sets out for Hellion Territory, where Grand Devils vie for domination of the realm. With the addition of a new advisor—the (seemingly) hopeless optimist Akane—the Demon Lord’s army grows even more colorful, and their hijinks even wackier.
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Maou 2099 E03 720p WEBRip x265-TFPDL

Maou 2099 E03 720p WEBRip x265-TFPDL
Five centuries ago, Demon Lord Veltol reigned over an immortal nation. Now, the time has come for him to awaken once again. The year is 2099, and civilization has reached peak evolution, leading to a high-tech landscape with towering skyscrapers—nothing like he’s conquered before.
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Blue Lock E28 720p WEBRip x265-TFPDL

Blue Lock E28 720p WEBRip x265-TFPDL
After reflecting on the current state of Japanese soccer, the Japanese Football Association decides to hire the enigmatic and eccentric coach Jinpachi Ego to achieve their dream of winning the World Cup. Believing that Japan has lacked an egoistic striker hungry for goals, Jinpachi initiates the Blue Lock—a prison-like facility where three hundred talented strikers from high schools all over Japan are isolated and pitted against each other. The sole survivor of Blue Lock will earn the right to become the national team’s striker, and those who are defeated shall be banned from joining the team forever.
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Bleach S03E04 720p WEBRip x265-TFPDL

Bleach S03E04 720p WEBRip x265-TFPDL
Was it all just a coincidence, or was it inevitable? Ichigo Kurosaki gained the powers of a Soul Reaper through a chance encounter. As a Substitute Soul Reaper, Ichigo became caught in the turmoil of the Soul Society, a place where deceased souls gather. But with help from his friends, Ichigo overcame every challenge to become even stronger.
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