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Download EximiousSoft Business Card Designer v3.90 with Key – TFP

EximiousSoft Business Card Designer v3.90 with Key – TFP
Download EximiousSoft Business Card Designer v3.90 with Key - TFP
About This:

Design and Print your own Business Cards…
It is a powerful but easy software for creating professional looking business cards. With which, you can design your own cards as you want. Select from pre-designed business card templates and customize with your texts and symbols to build attractive cards. That happens so easyly and quickly!
– Bring 200+ Buiness Card templates, 300+ logo object, 2000+ shapes and other pre-designed gradient styles, textures.
– Edit visually with powerful but easy drawing and painting tools.
– Print cards freely or save them as image files.
– Supports shadow, glow, reflection, belvel effects.
EximiousSoft Business Card Designer Key Features:

High quality 200+ Business Card templates, 2000+ Symbols and more…

The program provides numerous pre-designed business card templates by expert designers, backgrounds & graphic symbols and lot more. With which to start design easily and quickly. Personalize them with your preferred images, logo, graphics & other elements in your business card design.. Powerful vector-based drawing tools

Create any shape graphics as you desired with these tools. Move, delete or add even convert anchors for a shape with simple clicks or drag.That’s really simple.Shapes or texts can be filled or stroken with solid color, gradient style or images high smoothly.anyone, Even have no design experience, can make stunning business cards with business card Software. Gives you the option to add drop shadows, reflection, glow, 3D bevel with customized settings to shapes or texts on your design.Any shape objects even texts can be stroken with more pre-designed dash style.Design Business Cards visually and Easily

Works like a great image editor program that supports strongly layer-editing. With the Layers feature you can control the position of various objects in your logo, you can place a more important object over the other and create different effects. To create, move, sacle, rotate, flip shapes or texts only with drag & click. Making professional-looking cards becomes really easy with application. The program is easy enough for everyone and doesn’t require any designing skills thanks to a WYSIWYG interface – that is, what you see on the screen is exactly what your card will look like. Undo & Redo anywhere anytime.Print Business cards freely

Enable to print spectacular business cards on your own printer, on card stocks from Avery, Sigel, Herma, Formtec, DECAdry etc with high resolution. You can print 1 card or 5 card or 100 card, as you like. Most people print at least one full sheet of cards (8 or 10 cards on one sheet) for convenience. Supports to export cards to image files with high quality for print shop and print cards from your own printer directly.Input & output in more popular image formats

Supports to export your business cards to JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PCX, TGA, TIFF files. Allows to load image files from GIF, BMP, PCX, JPG, TIFF, PNG, TGA, PSD, ICO, CUR, ANI ect. files.

System Requirements:

Window 8/7/NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista

800M Hz CPU or above

Installation Instructions:

– Install program.

– Register application with given key.

– Done, Enjoy.

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